- 《be ~》~についてのコンピュータによる研究{けんきゅう}に基づいている
based on a computer study of 意味
- "based on (according to) the dictionary" 意味
- "based on a broad partnership with" 意味
- "based on a clause in the japan-u.s. status-of-forces agreement" 意味
- "based on a clinical ground" 意味
- "based on a company's size, rather than profitability" 意味
- "based on a detailed analysis of" 意味
- "based on a full and open debate" 意味
- "based on a full commitment to" 意味
- "based on a full understanding of potential risks" 意味
- "based on a clinical ground" 意味
- "based on a company's size, rather than profitability" 意味
- "based on a detailed analysis of" 意味
- "based on a full and open debate" 意味